
“Before, taking this class, I was very down on myself because I just kept gaining weight and not losing it even with the exercises I was doing at the gym.”

"In October I decided to take a nutritional class (with Cahira). At first, I hesitated because I would have to drive an hour to get to the class. However, I am so glad I did it, as it has changed my life. Taking this class has given me so much knowledge to change my life style and the way I think about food.

Before, taking this class, I was very down on myself because I just kept gaining weight and not losing it even with the exercises I was doing at the gym. I started falling into a depression mode. I did not want to go anywhere or be around people. I just wanted food ….the kind of food that did not have any nutritional value for my body.

After taking the first class, I could not wait for the following week to hurry up and get here because I was so excited to learn about my body and how it functions, what to look for in the foods I buy, what current foods we think are good for us which are actually bad, what to look for in our vitamins and supplements, etc.

When I started the class, I was at 167 pds and felt heavy on the upper part of my body, especially my back. Now, I am down to 152 pds….just by eating clean food.

I actually go to the grocery store and read all the ingredients to make sure I know what I am putting into my body. I feel great and have more energy. About two months ago, I started getting back into the routine of lifting weights at the gym. With the clean eating and exercise, I can definitely see the transformation my body is going through and I totally love and enjoy it.

I love myself and my body at this time of my life. I will be 54 years young in a few months and feel amazing.

Until “WE” as individuals take control of our life, nothing will change. The mean focus of taking this class is educating yourself so you can heal your body from the inside out….kidney, liver, digestive system, heart, etc….the weight loss is a big bonus.

Cahira has so much knowledge in this field and will guide you to become a new and better YOU. Come and enjoy this amazing journey!!!" ~ Maria